6+ millions monthly
Revenue $4.4 m
iOS, Android, Web
3rd most popular
Improved registration process:
↑ 20% registrations
↑ 40% fill out profiles
↑ 30% in response conversion

The team
The task
We were planning to add a new authorization method
In 2019, Worki (previous service name) was acquired by VK, Russia's largest social network. We gradually integrated into VK's platform, one of the points in the strategy was the addition of VK social network authorization.
Problem Identification
70% of users did not finish the registration process
I requested analytics to gain insights into the registration process and identify user obstacles.
The findings were alarming — only 3 out of 10 candidates complete the registration process, despite their initial interest, as most of them arrive at the registration stage through a job vacancy response.
Unregistered candidates had to go through 9 steps before their job response was sent
I analyzed where users were falling off
Together with the analyst identified where users were falling off.
Too many required fields
Inability to skip registration
It takes too much time
I proved the importance of the problem, and the task became a top priority
I shared my research and insights during a product meeting, where the team was astonished by the high number of users who expressed interest in responding to job postings but did not complete the registration.
This allowed me to clearly demonstrate to the product and technical departments that addressing this issue should be a top priority, leading to its implementation.
Seeking Solution
Simplify the registration flow, leave only the most mandatory fields
I analyzed the existing registration process. My hypothesis was that by simplifying the registration and making all fields optional, we could increase the number of successful registrations.
Implementing one-tap authorization
The first step was solving the original task. Adding a way to authorize through VK connect SDK.
Pros of this authorization with VK:
Every second resident of Russia has a VK account
Ability to use public user data (first and last name, photo, age, location)
Authorization can be almost instantaneous if user is already logged in to the VK app on the device
Instant response to vacancy
— Unfortunately, I couldn't remove the citizenship selection screen as it was a legal requirement, but I tried to make it as simple as possible by putting the 3 most statistically popular options on the first screen.
Bring the most important fields forward
Work experience. According to a survey of our key recruiter clients, this information is crucial.
Desired job. This point is more important for us, as we will be able to customize the job feed to the users' wishes.
— We preselected the desired job depending on which job the candidate responded to.
Let's add a dash of gamification to the resume filling process
The final step was a user profile, where candidates could see the data pulled from VK connect and could replace it if necessary.
I added percentages of completion to the resume depending on the importance of the field.
Now users are motivated to fill out the profile as much as possible.
To test my hypothesis, I decided to conduct an experiment
After discussing the experiment with the manager and developers, we decided to test on the mobile web version. Since development was cheaper and faster, and there were numerous users.
The response is sent instantly, filling in the fields is not necessary
The response is sent instantly, but users can't skip registration
According to the results of the experiment, the second option won. In this variant, filling in the resume could not be skipped.
30 %
Increase in response conversion
20 %
Registrations grew
40 %
More filling out resumes
The new registration process was approved and adapted to all other platforms
Learnings and Chelenges
Continuous improvement
Look at familiar things from a new angle and strive to continuously improve them
End-to-End Analysis
It's important to always look at the whole flow, not just the individual sections
Numbers matter
Always look at statistics, numbers can reveal real problems
More UX-researches
If I had an opportunity, I would conduct in-depth interviews with users